Hey Everyone!

Way back in 2004, I graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Economics.

I moved to Chicago and took a job on the trading desk at a commodities brokerage firm. Soon after I went to work at an investment research firm. I thought finance was my calling.

That was when I discovered my love for digital marketing and being able to build something from the ground up.

I had a co-worker who built and sold niche websites. The concept fascinated me so I started picking his brain on every aspect of the process.

Fast forward a couple of years. I had been learning the ins and outs of digital marketing and started building my own websites. That’s when the great recession struck. All of a sudden I was out of a job and needed to find a way to earn a living.

I decided it was time to scale this hobby that I’d become so passionate about into a business.

In the 13 years since, I’ve built and sold several affiliate websites, making well into the six figures in income.

In addition to helping provide others with the tools and resources to build and scale their own business, I’m the VP of affiliate marketing for a major personal finance publication.